Monday, 24 September 2012

Light Painting

For todays session the class and I were introduced to Light Painting.
'Light Painting is when a light source is used to "paint" a picture. It requires a long shutter speed (to capture light) and a tripod to imobilize the camera as movement of it will be captured in your image.'
I was not positioned in the best of places (this over exposed my images showing the draw'ees) but here are examples of some of the images I had taken.

Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter Speed - 8 sec.
Focal Length - 18mm
ISO - 100

Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter Speed - 13 sec.
Focal Length - 18mm
ISO - 100
Aperture - f/3.5
Shutter Speed - 10 sec.
Focal Length - 18mm
ISO - 100

Aperture - f/4.2
Shutter Speed - 13 sec.
Focal Length - 26mm
ISO - 100

Soon after these pictures were taken, we was asked to go out and get pictures of light painting.
FACT - Light Painting isn't as effect in light then it is in the dark
Despite this fact we was sent out in the daylight to get some pictures. =]
Me and a few other student, made our way towards town looking looking for a dark, sutiable place to create our pictures. Our main idea for a dark place was "car park" which lead us to Selfridges Car Park.
On the bottom floor of this car park we found a dark spot under where cars proceed up to the next floor and took the following pictures:


Monday, 17 September 2012

Context, Objective and Subjective

I have been asked to find an image that means something to me and also to talk about its context, objective and subjective.

The context of the image I have chosen for this assign is very simple. From first glance to anyone outside of my family, this image consists of an elderly woman with glasses on smiling for the camera and appears to be seated on a sette or a sofa with a mirror on the wall in the background.
This is as a matter of fact is a picture of an elderly woman to you but to me, its my Grandma.
This image was not originally a still one. It was in fact taken from a video I had recorded on an iPhone. I, my grandma and family was in a pub at a party in Smethwick.